Kill the pain
Heal the body
Look exceptional
From the Founder
With over 30 years of research experience as a botanist and utilizing various nonchemical extraction techniques, we have developed a potent medicine comprising Delta9, various cannabinoids, anthocyanins, and carotenoids. This medicine is then blended with the correct proportions of plant butters into a variety of whole-body cosmetics. Absolutely no fillers, inferior ingredients, chemicals, or colors are added to our products.
Occasionally, we release specialty cosmetics with instant cover-up minerals for special occasions like gala events. These minerals are pure, non-refined, and come from limited harvest runs in France, Germany, Spain, and Russia. They are non-toxic and provide additional minerals that benefit the skin and hair.
Western medicine often relies on chemicals intended to mask symptoms, which is neither an acceptable nor healthy way to live. We have developed quick-acting products that make you radiate while nourishing and healing your body. These products have no side effects, contain no drugs, and do not require expensive prescriptions for complicated chemicals that can damage your body.